However, from a practical and statistical standpoint, this is an incorrect assumption. Accidents can happen anywhere at any time, and just like you childproof your house, you need to childproof your backyard.
"A good weekend home improvement project should be ensuring that your fences and gates are functioning properly and are protected from rust, a destructive force that can render gate hardware useless or dangerous," says Jim Paterson, senior vice president of D&D Technologies, which manufactures gate latches and hinges made of ultra-strong engineering polymers. "In our research, we found that when homeowners consider their fencing needs, rusty metal gate hardware that no longer functions properly or becomes a threat to children was their No. 1 concern. Most homeowners are not aware that rust-free and adjustable gate hardware is available."
Additional precautions to take when childproofing your backyard:
- Cover any protruding bolts on swing sets and do not attach ropes or cords, which could become strangulation hazards.
- Remove old tree stumps and rocks, level concrete footings to avoid tripping.
- Seal wooded items such as decks, swing sets and picnic tables yearly and remove and sand any rough areas to avoid splinters.
- Completely fence pool and spa areas with self-closing latch and self-latching gates, with latches out of the reach of children such as the MagnalatchTM Safety Gate Latch. Eliminate access to lawn equipment and chemicals. Put these items completely out of the reach of children.
- Keep a first aid kit accessible, and a rescue kit for those backyards with water features, as well as your mobile phone.
Your backyard can be one of the most exciting places for your children this summer, a little prevention along the way will keep it safe and provide wonderful memories for your family.